BOOM premieres in Calgary!
Posted on: Wednesday, January 29, 2014
KDOONS and WYRD Productions' new show BOOM is born! First reviews below... Written, directed and perfomed by Rick Miller, BOOM runs from Jan 15-19 2014 at the High Performance Rodeo, Calgary's premiere arts festival, in a work-in-progress run presented by One Yellow Rabbit and Theatre Calgary.
"I could go on about how this show pushes the boundaries of docu-theatre and multimedia accompaniment. I could talk about how beautifully narrative is cushioned in context. I could speak of Miller’s outstanding command of his material. But really I just want to say GO. NOW! SEE IT." (Jessica Goldman, CBC, Calgary)
Calgary Sun
Calgary Herald
Preview articles:
Calgary Herald preview
Calgary Sun preview
FFWD preview
Radio interviews:
Rick Miller on CBC-Radio