Xing The Gap, with Rick Miller. A BOOM-ing new podcast is launched!
Posted on: Thursday, December 23, 2021
Xing The Gap, with Rick Miller is an explosive inter-generational podcast, expanding on the themes of Miller's BOOM Trilogy of solo stage shows. In XTG, Miller is not the performer, but the GenX host, speaking with 2 guests of different generations to uncover gaps in how we see the world. Through conversation, competition, cooperation and (sometimes) karaoke, we build bridges of understanding, find a shared humanity, and save the world from itself. BOOM!
Listen/Subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Google.
Contact:, @RickMillerActor
Xing The Gap is supported by LEAP, an online community where life experience meets innovation, created by CABHI : the Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation. For more info, visit
We would also like to acknowledge Kidoons and the Ontario Arts Council for their support in developing Xing The Gap.